Welcome 2018

January 01, 2018

Its crazy how fast the new year approaches right? I mean, it was JUST April I swear lol. I've always believed the feeling of the end of the year was an exact comparison of the hourglass full of sand; seeming faster towards the end but moving at the same pace. I'm just happy 2017 is now behind me and I get a fresh start towards things I've been planning for this very particular year.

I've been through a lot in 2017... I'm sure a lot of you can relate. It seems like one thing after another before I lost grasp of how reality should be. My faith was continuously shot down, lost friends due to ignoring my faults and focusing on theirs to "shield" myself, allowing myself to settle for things knowing I deserve more, etc. I was content with the comfort I've surrounded around myself that it held me back from tackling things that should have been finished during 2017. Thankfully I'm allowed to get things right this time.

People often chuckle at the thoughts of others using the new year to start over. They ponder why humans can't use every day as a new day. I get it... But have you ever been in complete frustrations every day? To the point where it feels like you can't start over because you've lost your sense of scheduling? We get off track and whatever the new year energy gives those that need it to start over, that energy, we use it. Whats a fresh start to some may not be to the next person but there's no harm in collecting and centering yourself until that new start comes to your feet; allowing you to feel ready and more determined. 

I like to look at the new year as a chance to put all of the previous year's negative vibes behind. I don't want to carry 2017's bullshit into 2018. Everything had to be left behind before approaching a new task of creating a better life. This new year really was a new beginning mark and now I get to start fresh and completely renew my mind, body, and spirit. I couldn't do it in 2017 because I wanted to separate it all. I actually feel more relieved now. 

I am starting by challenging myself to 90 days of no distractions that I typically dealt with on a regular. This means no favorite social media sites, no online video gaming, no junk food (unless on cheat day lol) and no MEAT. Yes... NO MEAT... eventually lol. I can't just cut out meat cold turkey so I'm doing it in intervals until I don't need it any longer. I've been without soda/pop for going on two years now. I figured this would be easy as well. I just really need to change. I need to learn how to prioritize better and stop letting the escapes keep me away from whats real. I've indulged into social media and online gaming so I wouldn't have to deal with horrid shit offline but thats my reality... I have to own up to it and change it for the better. Nothing will get done if I keep running away. 

This 90 day challenge is what I like to call a "Spiritual Cleanse". I've figured new paths for myself and I'm learning my faith better and opening my mind to the vibrations of the universe that feels right for and to me. During this challenge I will be giving up all things that were poisoning my sense of concentration. Its time to be strict! If someone is going to do it it has to be me right? I'm developing newer senses and intuitive thoughts that I refuse to let go to waste. Time to block out whats not needed and let in whats trying to help.

I believe in myself that I can do this. I mean... Its not the hardest thing I've done honestly. It IS however new and I can promise you I hate change lol. Well no, let me rephrase. I USE TO hate change. I'm accepting it all now. If someone could promise complete happiness forever wouldn't you take that? Why not give that to yourself? Give yourself change for the better because you believe in your heart you deserve that. I know I deserve WAY more than I've been receiving (not the headaches of course. I don't want more of those lol). 

So now this blog has been made... I'm going to document my thoughts and processes of how I'm going to take these next three months to make myself stronger, healthier, and more wise. I'm going to renew my energy and mind. I've been waiting for this! I'm truly ambitious towards these new goals. my boyfriend is even joining me (no more red meat for us!). I'm sure some parts he is a bit iffy on but as long as he's supporting me and trying, I'm happy.

I hope you guys can take some hints, tips, whatever, while reading my success, failures, and lessons. Lets dedicate this year and the rest of our years to bettering ourselves. No more accepting our mental blockages. Its going to stop right now! Claim your days and your victories. Are you ready?

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